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Urban DJ

Wordle for music! A fun poll for music experts.

Listed in categories:

MusicIndie GamesEntertainment
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Urban DJ is a special part of Urban Poll where users participate in a fun songs competition by ranking 5 songs daily. Points are awarded based on matching public rankings. Users can also nominate songs and topics for future rounds.

How to use Urban DJ?

To participate in Urban DJ, users need to rank 5 songs daily based on their preference. They can also nominate songs and topics for future rounds to earn more points. The more their rankings match the public, the more points they receive.

Core features of Urban DJ:


Songs ranking


Community participation


Points system


Nomination feature



Why could be used Urban DJ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Ranking songs
# 2Community engagement
# 3Competing for points

Who developed Urban DJ?

Urban Poll

FAQ of Urban DJ