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Custom AI for custom data, in one line of code

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SaaSDeveloper ToolsAPI


Unbody AI is a platform that automates the journey from private data to AI applications in a seamless pipeline. Users can choose their AI, connect their data, and build anything from chatbots to semantic searches with just one line of code.

How to use Unbody?

To use Unbody AI, simply choose your AI model, connect your data from various sources, and start building AI applications with ease using one API endpoint and one line of code.

Core features of Unbody:


Automate the journey from private data to AI applications


Choose AI models and connect data


Support a wide range of AI models


Support data from various sources and formats


Simplify AI usage with one API endpoint and one line of code

Why could be used Unbody?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Building chatbots
# 2Creating semantic searches
# 3Generating summaries from documents

Pricing of Unbody:

Basic Plan


Access to basic AI functionalities and support

Pro Plan


Advanced AI functionalities and priority support

Who developed Unbody?

Unbody is developed by Unbody Inc., a team dedicated to simplifying AI usage and empowering users to leverage their private data effectively.

FAQ of Unbody