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Trillo Workbench

AI-Driven Platform for Enterprise-Class Applications

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SaaSDeveloper Tools
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Trillo Workbench is a cloud application development platform that enables users to build cloud applications in one-third of the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional development. It acts as a middleware Operating System in the Google Cloud Platform environment, managing DevOps work and providing common services out-of-the-box.

How to use Trillo Workbench?

To use Trillo Workbench, users can define data models, roles, and policies using the Workbench UI. They can then write application logic as serverless functions, integrate with external services using custom plugins, and deploy amazing apps on Google Cloud Platform.

Core features of Trillo Workbench:


Cloud application development


Low-code platform


API server


Data warehousing


File sharing and storage management

Why could be used Trillo Workbench?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data warehousing in the cloud
# 2File sharing and storage management
# 3OCR parsing using Document AI

Who developed Trillo Workbench?

Trillo is the maker of Trillo Workbench, a company focused on delivering innovative cloud solutions for application development and management.

FAQ of Trillo Workbench