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TIDY 5.0

World-class cleaning & maintenance operations with less work

Listed in categories:

SaaSArtificial Intelligence
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TIDY is the world's most advanced tool for managing cleaning and maintenance operations. It helps property managers improve and automate cleaning and maintenance tasks with a combination of software, AI, and human assistance.

How to use TIDY 5.0?

To use TIDY, create digital twins of your properties, manage cleaning and maintenance across properties, automate workflows digitally, automate tasks based on probabilities, suggest tasks to improve operations, easily request and manage online tasks, build human-in-the-loop workflows, and automate all your workflows with TIDY.

Core features of TIDY 5.0:


Powerful Software


Helpful AI


Human Tasks

Why could be used TIDY 5.0?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Automate Turnovers
# 2Emergency Maintenance
# 3Preventative Maintenance

Who developed TIDY 5.0?

TIDY is developed by Tidy Services Inc, a dedicated team of genuine human experts who ensure smooth operations and provide assistance in setting up, adding professionals, handling no-shows, and resolving issues.

FAQ of TIDY 5.0