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Ticket Guardian

Ticket Guardian transforms your Zendesk ticketing system into a powerhouse of efficiency and accuracy by integrating presend validation checks directly into your workflow.

Listed in categories:

Customer Communication
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Ticket Guardian transforms your Zendesk ticketing system into a powerhouse of efficiency and accuracy. By integrating presend validation checks directly into your workflow, we ensure that every response sent meets your high standards for quality and personalization.

How to use Ticket Guardian?

To use Ticket Guardian, simply install the app directly into your Zendesk account. Customize the validation rules to fit your team's requirements and let the tool seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow for efficient and accurate ticket responses.

Core features of Ticket Guardian:


Real-Time Validation


Customizable Rules


Seamless Integration


Advanced Text Search

Why could be used Ticket Guardian?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Reduce follow-up tickets
# 2Increase agent efficiency
# 3Enhance customer satisfaction

Pricing of Ticket Guardian:

Basic Plan

$100 per agent per month

Includes Real-Time Validation and Customizable Rules

Premium Plan

Custom pricing

Contact us for tailored pricing based on your specific needs

Who developed Ticket Guardian?

PineApps is an indie developers company committed to helping businesses excel in customer service. Their suite of Zendesk enhancements is designed to streamline support operations, allowing businesses to focus on customer satisfaction. Ticket Guardian is the latest innovation from PineApps, born out of a deep understanding of support teams' challenges and a passion for solving them.

FAQ of Ticket Guardian