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The Kick Switch

Control your garbage disposal hands-free!

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The Kick Switch is a sleek under-the-sink switch that allows you to control your garbage disposal hands-free. It is designed to provide convenience and safety in the kitchen by offering a foot-operated alternative to traditional switches.

How to use The Kick Switch?

The Kick Switch can be easily installed by any DIY enthusiast or handyman in less than an hour. It consists of two main parts: the Kick Button assembly and the Control Box. Detailed written instructions and a tutorial video are provided for installation guidance.

Core features of The Kick Switch:


Hands-free control of garbage disposal


Foot-operated switch design


Air-driven button for safety


Easy installation


Exclusive pricing for Kickstarter backers

Why could be used The Kick Switch?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Conveniently turning on and off garbage disposal while washing dishes
# 2Avoiding the risk of electric shock from traditional switches
# 3Improving kitchen safety and hygiene

Pricing of The Kick Switch:

Early Bird Pricing

14% off Kickstarter price

Exclusive pricing for early backers who purchase The Kick Switch on the first day of the campaign.

Kickstarter Pricing

6% off planned post-Kickstarter price

Special pricing for Kickstarter supporters who help fund the project.

Who developed The Kick Switch?

The Kick Switch was invented by Desmond Brown and brought to market by Daniel Brown. Their passion for innovation and commitment to kitchen safety led to the creation of this unique hands-free switch for garbage disposals.

FAQ of The Kick Switch