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Tap to Tweet select text and share to X

Tweet from any website no more copy/paste tweeting made easy

Listed in categories:

Social MediaSocial NetworkMarketing
Tap to Tweet select text and share to X-image-0
Tap to Tweet select text and share to X-image-1


Tap to Tweet is a dynamic and user-friendly Chrome extension designed to simplify social media sharing on Twitter. With a single click, users can share highlighted text from any website to Twitter, enhancing their social media experience.

How to use Tap to Tweet select text and share to X?

1. Select text on any website you wish to share on Twitter 2. Right-click to find the Tap to Tweet option or click on the extension icon 3. Instantly share the selected text to Twitter with a crafted tweet including the source URL.

Core features of Tap to Tweet select text and share to X:


Effortless Sharing


Time Efficiency


Broad Compatibility


User Privacy and Security


Compliance and Responsibility

Why could be used Tap to Tweet select text and share to X?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Sharing Business Insights and Content
# 2Curating and Sharing Knowledge
# 3Connecting Through Shared Interests

Who developed Tap to Tweet select text and share to X?

Kavil Rawat is the developer of Tap to Tweet, a Chrome extension focused on enhancing social media sharing experiences on Twitter. The developer is committed to user privacy and security while continuously improving the extension's performance and compatibility.

FAQ of Tap to Tweet select text and share to X