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Tailwindcss Studio

a visual tool for quickly building page based on TailwindCSS

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Developer Tools
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Tailwindcss Studio is a beta tool that allows users to easily create and customize CSS styles using Tailwind CSS utility classes. It provides Source Mode for direct code editing and Preview Mode for visual feedback. Users can create complex or simple layouts, adjust container settings, box sizing, display properties, floats, clears, overflow, positioning, z-index, and utilize flexbox and grid systems. It also offers options for spacing, sizing, typography, backgrounds, borders, effects, filters, tables, transitions, animations, transforms, interactivity, SVG support, and accessibility features.

How to use Tailwindcss Studio?

To use Tailwindcss Studio, simply open the tool and start customizing your CSS styles using the provided utility classes. You can switch between Source Mode and Preview Mode to see the changes in real-time. Experiment with different settings to create the desired layout and style for your website or application.

Core features of Tailwindcss Studio:


Source Mode


Preview Mode


Complex Layouts


Simple Layouts


Flexbox and Grid

Why could be used Tailwindcss Studio?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Customizing CSS styles
# 2Creating responsive layouts
# 3Enhancing user experience

Who developed Tailwindcss Studio?

Tailwindcss Studio is developed by the Tailwind CSS team, known for their popular utility-first CSS framework. The team focuses on providing developers with efficient tools for building modern and responsive web designs.

FAQ of Tailwindcss Studio