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Tag Parrot

Tag Parrot is an automated indexing tool that helps websites get indexed by Google quickly and efficiently. Sync your websites, manage site indexing, bulk index pages, and turn on auto indexing to turbo charge your SEO. Get real-time index status updates and auto sync sitemaps for seamless indexing.

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Tag Parrot is an automated tool that helps websites get indexed by Google quickly and efficiently. By automating the indexing process, Tag Parrot saves time and ensures that all pages are recognized by Google for better SEO performance.

How to use Tag Parrot?

To get started with Tag Parrot, follow these 4 easy steps: 1. Sync from Google Search Console, 2. Enable Websites, 3. Setup Indexing Access, 4. Turn on Auto Index.

Core features of Tag Parrot:


Auto Sync Your Websites


Simple Site Management


Bulk Index Pages with Google


Auto Index Pages with Google


View Current Index Status


Auto Sitemap Sync

Why could be used Tag Parrot?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Turbo Charge your SEO
# 2Get Indexed Now
# 3Drive Traffic

Pricing of Tag Parrot:

Basic Plan


Includes basic features for small websites

Pro Plan


Advanced features for larger websites

Who developed Tag Parrot?

Tag Parrot is developed by Yekalb Ltd, a company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for website optimization and SEO enhancement.

FAQ of Tag Parrot