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Tab Slayer

Automate tab cleanup with impunity

Listed in categories:

ProductivityChrome Extensions
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Tab Slayer is a Chrome extension that closes all tabs not matching a provided regex at a scheduled frequency. It helps prevent the explosive growth of tabs in your browser by killing tabs that don't match the specified spare me list.

How to use Tab Slayer?

To use Tab Slayer, simply install the Chrome extension and set up the regex pattern for tabs you want to keep open. Specify the scheduled frequency for tab closing and enjoy a clutter-free browsing experience.

Core features of Tab Slayer:


Closes tabs not matching regex


Scheduled tab closing


Prevents tab overload

Why could be used Tab Slayer?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Maintaining browser tab organization
# 2Improving browser performance
# 3Automating tab management

Who developed Tab Slayer?

The developer of Tab Slayer has not identified themselves as a trader. They have disclosed that they will not collect or use user data for any purposes outside of the extension's core functionality.

FAQ of Tab Slayer