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Sync Posts

Copy Posts from any WordPress Website

Listed in categories:

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Sync Posts is a WordPress plugin that allows you to sync posts from another website using a URL. With this plugin, you can easily import Post Title, Content, Images, Post Tags, Categories, and Featured Images from any WordPress site to your current WordPress site.

How to use Sync Posts?

To use Sync Posts, simply install the plugin on your WordPress site, enter the URL of the website you want to sync posts from, and choose the posts you want to import. The plugin will handle the rest of the syncing process automatically.

Core features of Sync Posts:


Sync posts from another website


Import post title, content, images, tags, categories, and featured images


Choose which posts to import

Why could be used Sync Posts?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Migrating content from one WordPress site to another
# 2Consolidating multiple WordPress sites into one
# 3Updating content from a staging site to a live site

Who developed Sync Posts?

Sync Posts is developed by SoftClever Limited, with Md Maruf Adnan Sami as the main contributor. They are dedicated to providing efficient solutions for WordPress users.

FAQ of Sync Posts