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SwiftySaas is a ReactJS and NodeJS boilerplate that allows you to build your SaaS Startup or Web App quickly. It focuses on skipping setup and diving straight into developing your core product using a proven and scalable tech stack. The boilerplate includes technologies like ViteJs, ReactJS, NodeJS, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, TypeScript, and SuperTokens for simplified development and enhanced security.

How to use SwiftySaas?

To use SwiftySaas, simply clone the repository and start developing your SaaS Startup or Web App. Utilize the provided tech stack and components to accelerate your development process.

Core features of SwiftySaas:


Skip setup and focus on ideas


Build optimized websites quickly


Improve JavaScript development with static typing


Simplify web app authentication and session management


Built for Docker Containers

Why could be used SwiftySaas?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Build SaaS Startups
# 2Develop Web Apps
# 3Optimize Frontend UI Development

Pricing of SwiftySaas:

Get SwiftySaas


Pay once and get it for life. Includes ReactJS Frontend Boilerplate, NodeJS Backend Boilerplate, SEO Optimized UI Components, Web Analytics Integration, Authentication, User Management, MongoDB CURB, Email Integration, Stripe Payments, and more.

Who developed SwiftySaas?

The maker of SwiftySaas built the boilerplate for personal use and decided to share it with others. They have experience in building web apps and have utilized the same tech stack for their projects, including, an English Learning Platform.

FAQ of SwiftySaas