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Supreme Second Brain

Supreme Second Brain is a Notion template designed to help knowledge workers, students, and productive individuals manage projects, take notes, track habits, and learn new things effectively. It offers a comprehensive workspace inside Notion, organized using the PARA organization method. Capture tasks and notes easily, plan your day stress-free, and access a range of features to supercharge your life growth journey.

Listed in categories:

Design ToolsNotionProductivity
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Supreme Second Brain is a Notion template designed to help knowledge workers, students, and productive individuals manage projects, take notes, track habits, and learn effectively. It allows users to capture and organize their entire life in Notion, creating an all-in-one workspace. The template follows the PARA organization method by Tiago Forte.

How to use Supreme Second Brain?

To use Supreme Second Brain, simply install the Notion template and start capturing and organizing your tasks, notes, and projects. Utilize the daily journal area for morning pages and review your day's progress. Follow the PARA organization method for optimal organization and productivity.

Core features of Supreme Second Brain:


Capture and organize everything in Notion


Create clutter-free plans for the day


Intelligently send tasks and notes to projects


Quick note capture feature


Daily journal area for morning pages

Why could be used Supreme Second Brain?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Manage projects effectively
# 2Get things done efficiently
# 3Track habits and learn new things

Pricing of Supreme Second Brain:

Supreme Second Brain


Your original SSB with all the features you need to supercharge your life growth journey

Ultimate Supreme Second Brain


Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become. Includes everything in Supreme Second Brain, Habit tracker, Yearly goals, Life goals

Greatest Supreme Second Brain


Don't dream about success, work for it. Includes everything in Ultimate Supreme Second Brain, Building a second brain course

Who developed Supreme Second Brain?

The maker of Supreme Second Brain is James Ebringer, who has created the bestselling paid Notion template on various Notion marketplaces. James is open to questions and interactions with users, providing a response rate of a few hours.

FAQ of Supreme Second Brain