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SuperSearch for WordPress

Ultra fast search solution for WordPress and WooCommerce

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Super Search is a lightning-fast website search plugin that enhances the search experience on WordPress websites. It offers powerful search capabilities that surpass the limitations of the default WordPress search, allowing users to find specific items quickly and efficiently.

How to use SuperSearch for WordPress?

To integrate Super Search, simply install the WordPress search plugin using a shortcode. Customize the search window to fit seamlessly on both mobile and desktop interfaces. Filter search results by post, page, or product type for a more refined search experience.

Core features of SuperSearch for WordPress:


Lightning-fast website search


Search pages, posts, and products


Offsite processing for no slowdown


Simple integration with shortcode


Organized search results filtering

Why could be used SuperSearch for WordPress?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Enhanced website search experience
# 2Improved user navigation
# 3Efficient content discovery

Pricing of SuperSearch for WordPress:


$0 month

100 searches a month, 200 searchable items, single site, basic email support


$9.99 month

1000 searches a month, 500 searchable items, single site, priority email support


$24.99 month

2000 searches a month, 5000 searchable items, two sites, priority email support


$39.99 month

3000 searches a month, 10000 products, three sites, priority email support

Who developed SuperSearch for WordPress?

HiOrbit is the maker of Super Search, dedicated to providing innovative solutions for website search optimization and user experience enhancement.

FAQ of SuperSearch for WordPress