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SuperSAT by HiQ

Predict Customer Satisfaction Instantly With AI

Listed in categories:

SaaSProductivityArtificial Intelligence
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SuperSAT is a customer satisfaction prediction tool that helps businesses identify at-risk interactions and upset customers early. It flags interactions that might lead to negative customer experiences, allowing for immediate intervention and correction. With real-time prediction capabilities, SuperSAT enables businesses to monitor customer satisfaction trends before case resolution and provides detailed analytics to refine support strategies and improve customer experiences continuously.

How to use SuperSAT by HiQ?

To use SuperSAT, simply set up the tool for real-time prediction of customer satisfaction. Connect your existing CRMs for seamless analysis and leverage the detailed analytics provided to refine your support strategies and enhance customer experiences. Monitor satisfaction trends, drill down on individual interactions, and transform your customer experience with intelligent, real-time data.

Core features of SuperSAT by HiQ:


Predict Customer Satisfaction


Identify At-Risk Interactions


Real-Time Monitoring


Connect CRM


Transform CX with Data

Why could be used SuperSAT by HiQ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Predicting Customer Satisfaction
# 2Identifying Upset Customers Early
# 3Improving Support Strategies

Who developed SuperSAT by HiQ?

SuperSAT is powered by HiOperator, a leading provider of customer experience solutions. HiOperator offers tech support for easy setup and integration with existing CRMs, ensuring a seamless experience for businesses seeking to enhance their customer support capabilities.

FAQ of SuperSAT by HiQ