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Supa Screenshot

Create beautiful screenshots in seconds

Listed in categories:

User ExperienceDesign ToolsMarketing
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Supademo is a tool for creating interactive product demos and screenshots quickly and intuitively. It allows users to capture, annotate, and share screenshots with ease, eliminating the need for multiple annotation tools and cluttered desktops. With features like delayed screenshot capture, redaction, and dynamic variables, Supademo enhances the demo creation process for various use cases like customer success, product marketing, sales enablement, and training.

How to use Supa Screenshot?

To create beautiful Supa Screenshots, open the extension, capture a browser window or use the shortcut, annotate and beautify the screenshot using the built-in editor, and then copy, save, or share it as needed.

Core features of Supa Screenshot:


Capture Screenshots


Annotate Screenshots


Share Screenshots


Dynamic Variables



Why could be used Supa Screenshot?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Customer Success
# 2Product Marketing
# 3Sales Enablement

Pricing of Supa Screenshot:


Create unlimited screenshots for free with basic features



Unlock advanced features like AI voice narration and auto-translation

Who developed Supa Screenshot?

Supademo Inc. is a global company with offices in Vancouver, New York, Kansas City, and Bangalore. They specialize in creating tools for enhancing demo creation and user engagement through interactive features and AI capabilities.

FAQ of Supa Screenshot