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Subs Tracker

An open source subscription tracker.

Listed in categories:

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Subs Tracker is a subscription tracking tool that helps users keep track of their various subscriptions and their payment schedules.

How to use Subs Tracker?

To use Subs Tracker, simply add your subscriptions and their payment due dates to the app. You can categorize them and set reminders for upcoming payments.

Core features of Subs Tracker:


Track multiple subscriptions


View payment due dates


Categorize subscriptions

Why could be used Subs Tracker?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Managing monthly expenses
# 2Avoiding missed payments
# 3Tracking subscription costs

Pricing of Subs Tracker:

Free Plan


Basic subscription tracking features

Premium Plan

$12 per month

Advanced subscription tracking features

Who developed Subs Tracker?

The maker of Subs Tracker is a software developer passionate about creating tools to help users manage their finances effectively.

FAQ of Subs Tracker