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Structify allows users to transform any webpage into a structured, queryable API endpoint, saving time and streamlining data collection without the need for custom web scrapers.

How to use Structify?

Simply input a webpage URL into Structify, and it will generate a clean JSON API endpoint that you can use to filter content and retrieve specific data fields.

Core features of Structify:


Convert any webpage into a structured JSON API endpoint


Filter content and retrieve specific data fields


Integrate seamlessly with no-code tools or custom applications


Automatically receive updates when webpage content changes


Save hours by converting web content into structured JSON in seconds

Why could be used Structify?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data collection for research purposes
# 2Integrating web data into applications
# 3Automating data retrieval for business intelligence

Who developed Structify?

Structify is developed by a team focused on simplifying data collection and integration processes, enabling users to efficiently access and utilize web content.

FAQ of Structify