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Straightforward To-Do List for Notion

Organize and Complete Your Tasks

Listed in categories:

ProductivityTask ManagementNotion
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Organize and complete your tasks with this Notion ToDo List template. Every accomplished task began as merely a plan - Greg S. Reid. Turn your goals into accomplishments with this template.

How to use Straightforward To-Do List for Notion?

Add your todos by putting your tasks for the week into the 'This Week' list. The template will instantly categorize each todo into different lists. Use the calendar for a schedule overview. Stay consistent with the system to stay focused and productive. Utilize the separate table for long-term goals and projects.

Core features of Straightforward To-Do List for Notion:


Automatically sort tasks into Today, Tomorrow, Completed, and Overdue lists


Plan ahead with a calendar view


Stay consistent with the system


Separate table for long-term goals and projects


Customizable task organization

Why could be used Straightforward To-Do List for Notion?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Personal task management
# 2Project planning
# 3Goal tracking

Pricing of Straightforward To-Do List for Notion:


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Who developed Straightforward To-Do List for Notion?


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