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Stipple Effect

Stipple Effect is a downloadable image editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It offers features such as projects with layers and frames, advanced brush modes, animation playback, palettes management, selection tools, and more. Motivated by the limitations of other image editors, Stipple Effect aims to provide a more efficient workflow for pixel art and animation creation. Download now and support the developer for future improvements.

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Indie GamesDigital ArtGitHub
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A downloadable image editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux that offers a variety of features for pixel art and animation creation.

How to use Stipple Effect?

To use Stipple Effect, download the appropriate version for your operating system and start creating pixel art and animations. Utilize the layers, frames, brush modes, and palette features to enhance your projects.

Core features of Stipple Effect:


Projects consist of layers and frames


Advanced brush modes


Animation playback


Onion skinning



Why could be used Stipple Effect?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Pixel art creation
# 2Animation design
# 3Palette management

Pricing of Stipple Effect:

Name Your Own Price

Who developed Stipple Effect?

Stipple Effect was developed by Flinker Flitzer, who created the tool to improve their workflow for pixel art and animation creation.

FAQ of Stipple Effect