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Pocket biz accelerator

Listed in categories:

Social MediaInvesting


Starty is an innovative platform that brings access to an accelerator for businesses into everyone's pockets. It uses an algorithm to quantify traits like empathy, leadership, commitment, and technical prowess, allowing users to rate how well their match aligns with these attributes. Starty is designed for founders, investors, and projects, facilitating agreement partnerships and providing instant project feedback.

How to use Starty?

To use Starty, simply sign up and create a profile. You can then input your interests and preferences to find potential matches. Use the algorithm to rate your compatibility with other users based on key traits. Apply for funds or connect with cofounders and advisors to kickstart your project.

Core features of Starty:


Access to accelerator for businesses


Algorithm for matching traits


Instant project feedback


Finding cofounders and advisors


Applying for funds

Why could be used Starty?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Finding cofounders and advisors
# 2Applying for funds
# 3Matching with like-minded individuals

Who developed Starty?

Starty is created by a team of passionate entrepreneurs dedicated to empowering human life through innovative solutions. Their mission is to make a positive impact on the startup ecosystem and connect like-minded individuals for successful collaborations.

FAQ of Starty