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Sponsor Stream

Find sponsors for your next youtube video within minutes

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceYouTubeInfluencer marketing
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Sponsor Stream is a platform that helps content creators find relevant sponsors quickly and easily. It uses AI to match creators with sponsors based on niche topics and content styles, saving time and effort in the sponsorship search process.

How to use Sponsor Stream?

Simply enter the title of your video and let the AI provide you with a list of potential sponsors. Search by niche topic or competitor's channel to find sponsors actively interested in channels like yours. Get insights into sponsor history and activity alerts for the latest opportunities.

Core features of Sponsor Stream:


AI-powered sponsor matching


Niche topic and channel search


Real-time sponsor updates


Insights into sponsor history


Activity alerts

Why could be used Sponsor Stream?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Finding sponsors for YouTube content
# 2Increasing sponsorship opportunities
# 3Ensuring sponsor legitimacy and alignment

Pricing of Sponsor Stream:

All-in Lifetime Deal


Pay once and get lifetime updates for your searches. Includes 100 AI search credits for future updates and analytics.



One-time payment for basic features. Includes 40 AI search credits.

Who developed Sponsor Stream?

The maker of Sponsor Stream is dedicated to helping content creators monetize their work efficiently and transparently. They aim to provide a centralized source for sponsor information tailored to specific niches, ensuring trust and transparency in sponsor engagements.

FAQ of Sponsor Stream