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Solid Planner

A simple daily planner with a timer and AI analysis

Listed in categories:

ProductivityTask Management
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Solid Planner is a simple timer and agenda app designed to help users plan their day effectively. With features like task management, goal tracking, and AI review of weekly stats, Solid Planner aims to enhance productivity and organization.

How to use Solid Planner?

1. Start a timer and add your tasks 2. Complete your tasks and pursue your goals 3. Get an AI review of your week stats and more

Core features of Solid Planner:






Task Management


Goal Tracking


AI Review

Why could be used Solid Planner?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Daily planning
# 2Task completion
# 3Goal pursuit

Pricing of Solid Planner:

One-time Purchase


No subscriptions, buy once and keep forever

Who developed Solid Planner?

Solid Apps SRL is the developer behind Solid Planner, focusing on creating simple and effective productivity apps for users.

FAQ of Solid Planner