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Skin Surveyor

Optimise your skin health from any device.

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Skin Surveyor is your home for flawless skin. It is a tool that helps you fast track your journey to amazing skin by keeping track of all your skin issues, monitoring changes over time, and optimizing your skin health. With Skin Surveyor, you can create pages for your family members, track progress with treatments, share data with your doctor, and receive community support.

How to use Skin Surveyor?

To use Skin Surveyor, simply sign up for an account and start recording your skin lesions. Create family pages, track changes, respond to treatments, and use the personal dermatoscope to monitor your skin. Share data with your doctor and engage with the community for support.

Core features of Skin Surveyor:


Record every skin lesion


Create family pages


Response to treatments


Community support


Personal dermatoscope

Why could be used Skin Surveyor?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Closely watching moles, lumps, and bumps
# 2Keeping family safe
# 3Comparing skin with community members

Pricing of Skin Surveyor:


$0 per month

Track up to 5 skin issues, 5 images per condition, no subusers, no PDF export


$7 per month

Track unlimited skin issues, unlimited images per condition, 4 subusers per account, unlimited PDF exports

Who developed Skin Surveyor?

Skin Surveyor was created by British surgeons and engineers in Oxford, UK.

FAQ of Skin Surveyor