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Simplify S3

No Complicated AWS UI. Every S3 Task with One Click.

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Our app makes using Amazon S3 simple and fun. With just one click, you can upload, download, and manage your files. No more complicated steps or confusing menus - everything is easy to find and use.

How to use Simplify S3?

Simply click on the desired action to upload, download, or manage your files. Explore the intuitive interface to effortlessly navigate through the features and tools.

Core features of Simplify S3:


Upload, download, and manage files with one click


Easily add or delete folders


Manage AWS keys and bucket CORS

Why could be used Simplify S3?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Manage all your files and folders in one place
# 2Effortlessly add multiple files at once
# 3Create and delete buckets with ease

Pricing of Simplify S3:



Do anything in S3 with one click. Includes managing unlimited IAM users, S3 buckets, creating/deleting buckets, uploading/downloading content, and adding folders. Pay once, access forever.

Who developed Simplify S3?

SS3 simplifies S3 tasks and enhances productivity for users. It offers a user-friendly interface and efficient file management tools.

FAQ of Simplify S3