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The easiest way to get a parallax effect with React

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simpleParallax.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use JavaScript library that adds parallax animations to any image. It stands out for its simplicity and impressive visual effects, directly applying the parallax effect to image tags without the need for background images. Users can easily create engaging parallax animations with minimal effort.

How to use simpleParallax?

To use simpleParallax.js, install the package via npm or yarn, import it into your React or Vanilla JS project, and initialize it with the desired settings. Users can configure the orientation, scale, overflow, delay, transition, and other parameters to customize the parallax effect. Additionally, the library provides methods to refresh or destroy parallax instances for dynamic adjustments.

Core features of simpleParallax:


Lightweight parallax animations


Easy-to-use JavaScript library


Direct application to image tags


Impressive visual effects


Support for various configurations

Why could be used simpleParallax?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating engaging website designs
# 2Enhancing user experience with parallax effects
# 3Adding dynamic visual elements to web pages

Who developed simpleParallax?

simpleParallax.js is developed by Geoffrey Signorato, who created the library to offer a simple and effective solution for adding parallax animations to images in web projects. Geoffrey's goal is to provide developers with a lightweight and user-friendly tool for enhancing the visual appeal of websites.

FAQ of simpleParallax