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Shipd: LeetCode but paid!

Solve difficult coding problems, win boba money

Listed in categories:

Software EngineeringHacking
Shipd: LeetCode but paid!-image-0
Shipd: LeetCode but paid!-image-1
Shipd: LeetCode but paid!-image-2


Shipd is a platform for problem-solving similar to SWE LeetCode, where developers and engineers can compete, solve difficult problems, and earn rewards. It is a paid platform that attracts skilled professionals looking to challenge themselves and earn boba money while honing their problem-solving skills.

How to use Shipd: LeetCode but paid!?

To use Shipd, sign up for an account, choose a plan that suits your needs, start solving challenges, compete with others, earn rewards, and improve your problem-solving skills.

Core features of Shipd: LeetCode but paid!:


Compete with others in solving difficult problems


Earn rewards for solving challenges


Engage with a community of developers and engineers


Improve problem-solving skills through practice


Access a variety of challenging problems

Why could be used Shipd: LeetCode but paid!?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving coding skills through practice challenges
# 2Competing with peers to test problem-solving abilities
# 3Earning rewards and recognition for solving difficult problems

Pricing of Shipd: LeetCode but paid!:

Basic Plan


Access to a limited number of challenges and features

Pro Plan


Full access to all challenges, competitions, and features

Who developed Shipd: LeetCode but paid!?

Datacurve is the maker of Shipd, a platform dedicated to providing a challenging and rewarding environment for developers and engineers to enhance their problem-solving abilities.

FAQ of Shipd: LeetCode but paid!