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Turn a Google Sheet into a web directory (always up to date)

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SpreadsheetsWeb AppGitHub


sheet2web is an opensource web application designed to effortlessly convert data from a Google Sheet into a fully functional and customizable web directory. This tool bridges the gap between simple spreadsheet management and dynamic web content presentation, making it ideal for users looking to publish and share structured data online without complex backend development.

How to use sheet2web?

To use sheet2web, simply connect your Google Sheet containing the data you want to convert into a web directory. Customize the appearance and functionality of the web directory as needed. Filter and embed the data in any webpage for easy sharing and presentation.

Core features of sheet2web:


Convert data from Google Sheet into a web directory


Customize web directory


Filter and embed data


Publish structured data online


Manage data effortlessly

Why could be used sheet2web?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating a web directory from Google Sheet data
# 2Publishing and sharing structured data online
# 3Embedding filtered data in a webpage

Who developed sheet2web?

The maker of sheet2web is dedicated to providing a user-friendly solution for converting Google Sheet data into web directories. They aim to simplify the process of publishing structured data online without the need for complex backend development.

FAQ of sheet2web