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Sesame Game

watermelon game variant with reverse merging order

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Sesame Game is an innovative synthesis game inspired by the watermelon game but with the synthesis order reversed. Players start with a whole watermelon and through a series of synthesis steps gradually decompose it into smaller units until they finally synthesize a grain of sesame. The game features a simple interface, strategic gameplay, and a variety of levels offering players a unique challenge experience.

How to use Sesame Game?

To play Sesame Game, start the game by seeing a complete watermelon. Click on the fruit to slide it to a position and then let it fall down. Control the descent of the watermelon by clicking to synthesize identical fruits into smaller units. Strategically plan the descent locations to ultimately synthesize a sesame.

Core features of Sesame Game:


Innovative synthesis gameplay


Reverse watermelon game concept


Strategic planning challenges

Why could be used Sesame Game?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Entertainment
# 2Brain training
# 3Family bonding

Who developed Sesame Game?

The maker of Sesame Game is dedicated to creating engaging and challenging puzzle games for players of all ages.

FAQ of Sesame Game