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Semaphore UI

Modern UI for Ansible, Terrafom and Bash

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Developer Tools
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Semaphore UI is a beautiful and elegant web interface for executing Ansible playbooks, Terraform code, and Bash scripts. It offers a responsive UI that appears well on smartphones and tablets, intuitive UX with the fewest steps required to accomplish tasks, and a modern design language developed by Google. The UI is popular with numerous articles, tutorials, and videos available online. It also provides secure deployment and configuration with access control, logs, and notifications to ensure peace of mind for users. Semaphore UI is designed for DevOps engineers, written in pure Go, utilizes Docker at every stage of development, and allows users to choose between MySQL, Postgres, or BoltDB as the database. The project is open source and actively developed, welcoming support from the community.

How to use Semaphore UI?

To use Semaphore UI, simply access the web interface and start executing Ansible playbooks, managing Terraform code, or running Bash scripts. The UI is responsive and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and accomplish tasks efficiently.

Core features of Semaphore UI:


Beautiful and elegant web interface


Responsive UI and intuitive UX


Secure deployment and configuration


Designed for DevOps


Open source

Why could be used Semaphore UI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Executing Ansible playbooks
# 2Managing Terraform code
# 3Running Bash scripts

Who developed Semaphore UI?

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FAQ of Semaphore UI