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Scrape Table is a web scraping tool that allows users to extract data from various sources with ease. It provides unlimited data access on many sources for free, making data search effortless and efficient.

How to use ScrapeTable?

To use Scrape Table, simply sign up for a free account and start extracting data from your desired sources. Enter the URL or data source you want to scrape, customize the extraction settings, and download the extracted data in your preferred format.

Core features of ScrapeTable:


Data Extraction


Unlimited Data Access


Source Variety


User-Friendly Interface

Why could be used ScrapeTable?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Market Research
# 2Competitor Analysis
# 3Lead Generation

Pricing of ScrapeTable:

Free Plan


Get unlimited data access on many sources for free.

Who developed ScrapeTable?

Scrape Table is developed by a team of passionate developers and designers dedicated to creating amazing web experiences for users. They strive to provide a user-friendly and efficient web scraping tool for data extraction needs.

FAQ of ScrapeTable