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Scrape B2C businesses spending thousands on floppy ads.

Listed in categories:

SEOSocial media marketingChrome Extensions


Scrabio is a tool that helps SEO and SMMA agencies close more clients by finding local businesses already investing in ads. It allows users to scrape information from businesses fed up with ineffective ads, making it easier to sell services to those seeking a change.

How to use Scrabio?

1. Install Scrabio chrome extension 2. Sign up for a free trial 3. Start scraping and closing deals with the generated CSV file

Core features of Scrabio:


Scraping business information


Finding businesses spending on ads


Generating CSV files with business info

Why could be used Scrabio?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Closing more SEO clients
# 2Selling services to businesses in need of change
# 3Networking with premium members

Pricing of Scrabio:



Scrape 400 default zip codes, access to phone and email, no credit card required



15000 Credits, upload custom zip codes, access to Ads On feature, priority customer support, network with premium members in a discord group

Who developed Scrabio?

Scrabio is developed by a team of experts in SEO and digital marketing, dedicated to providing tools that simplify the client acquisition process for agencies.

FAQ of Scrabio