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Sally Suite

A powerful AI Copilot available for free use 🚀

Listed in categories:

SpreadsheetsWritingChrome Extensions
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Sally Suite is an AI Agent based Copilot that offers thinking, working, and scalable features to assist users in various tasks. It provides functions like recommending functions, generating charts, creating pivot tables, and analyzing data. Users can also customize the Agent according to their requirements. Sally Suite offers a free trial and paid plans for GPT services.

How to use Sally Suite?

To use Sally Suite, obtain your OpenAI key, set it in Sally Suite, and enjoy the services. You can also build custom Agents and submit requests for assistance. Follow the steps provided to get started with Sally Suite.

Core features of Sally Suite:


Recommend functions


Generate charts


Create pivot table


Generate code


Customize Agent

Why could be used Sally Suite?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data analysis
# 2Code generation
# 3Custom Agent creation

Pricing of Sally Suite:

Free Trial


Chat on PC, Add to Chrome

GPT 35

$50k/day - $15M/month

Generate Images, Search Web Pages, Search Images

GPT 4o

$50k/day - $15M/month

Generate Images, Search Web Pages, Search Images

GPT 35

$50k/day - $15M/month

Generate Images, Search Web Pages, Search Images

GPT 4o

$50k/day - $15M/month

Generate Images, Search Web Pages, Search Images



Unlimited Tokens, Priority email support



Unlimited Tokens, Priority email support


Contact Us

Private deployment, Priority email support

Who developed Sally Suite?

Sally Suite AI offers innovative AI solutions for users to enhance their productivity and efficiency. With a focus on AI Copilot technology, Sally Suite aims to provide cutting-edge tools for data analysis, code generation, and customization of AI Agents.

FAQ of Sally Suite