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An open, free, efficient, cross-platform productivity tool.

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ProductivityDeveloper Tools


RunFlow is an open, free, and efficient cross-platform productivity tool that aims to provide a unified operating experience when working across platforms to improve work efficiency. Users can expand functionalities by installing plugins to enhance their experience.

How to use RunFlow?

To use RunFlow, simply press Windows+Meta+Space on Windows and Linux or Command+Space on MacOS to open the action window. From there, you can perform various tasks like calculations, file searches, batch renaming, and clipboard recording.

Core features of RunFlow:


Action Window


Calculate mathematical arithmetics


Find local file


Batch rename files


Record clipboard

Why could be used RunFlow?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Efficiently run actions
# 2Perform mathematical calculations
# 3Search for local files
# 4Rename files in batches
# 5Record clipboard content

Who developed RunFlow?

RunFlow is developed by a team dedicated to making work more efficient and enjoyable for users.

FAQ of RunFlow