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Rule of thumb

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Rule of Thumb is a crowd-sourced court of public opinion where anyone can speak out and share their opinions freely. Users' opinions are analyzed and the data is compiled into public reports. Previous rulings are listed on the platform, and users can submit names for consideration. The platform also provides terms and conditions, privacy policy, and contact information for users to follow.

How to use Rule of thumb?

To use Rule of Thumb, simply visit the platform and share your opinion. Your data will be analyzed and included in public reports. You can also submit names for consideration and explore previous rulings on the platform.

Core features of Rule of thumb:


Crowd-sourced court of public opinion


Data analysis


Public reporting


Name submission


Terms and conditions

Why could be used Rule of thumb?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Expressing opinions freely
# 2Analyzing public sentiment
# 3Submitting names for consideration

Who developed Rule of thumb?

Rule of Thumb is developed by a team of passionate individuals dedicated to providing a platform for public opinion and data analysis.

FAQ of Rule of thumb