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RSS filter

FIlter your RSS feeds with customized recommendations.

Listed in categories:

Open SourceNews
RSS filter-image-0


RSS Filter is a tool designed to help users filter out noise from their RSS feeds. It uses a recommendation system based on user-read articles to reduce unwanted items and track user interactions. The tool utilizes LLM embeddings and machine learning to recommend similar articles. Users can upload an OPML export from their RSS client to automatically convert existing feeds and generate a filtered feed.

How to use RSS filter?

To use RSS Filter, upload an OPML export from your RSS client to generate a filtered feed. The tool will then recommend similar articles based on user interactions and preferences.

Core features of RSS filter:


Recommendation system based on user-read articles


Noise filtering from RSS feeds


LLM embeddings for article recommendations


Automatic conversion of existing feeds


OPML file upload for feed filtering

Why could be used RSS filter?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Filtering out unwanted items from RSS feeds
# 2Tracking user interactions with articles
# 3Generating personalized feed recommendations

Who developed RSS filter?

m0wer at autistici dot org

FAQ of RSS filter