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Resume Roaster

Get expert feedback on your resume and tailor for every job

Listed in categories:

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Get AI-powered feedback, expert reviews, and professional resume writing services to make your resume shine and land your dream job.

How to use Resume Roaster?

Upload your resume and job description to the dashboard, chat with AI to get tailored feedback, make changes based on the feedback, apply for the job with the tailored resume, and earn points by providing feedback on other resumes.

Core features of Resume Roaster:


Feedback from AI


Feedback from experts


Peer-to-peer feedback


Resume writing


Tailor for Every Job Application

Why could be used Resume Roaster?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Fresher
# 2Experienced
# 3Programmer

Pricing of Resume Roaster:

400 Resumes Roasted


Feedback from AI, expert reviews, and resume writing services for 400 resumes

70 Job Confirmations


Feedback from AI, expert reviews, and resume writing services for 70 job confirmations

Who developed Resume Roaster?

The resume service is currently focused on people in the programming field.

FAQ of Resume Roaster