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YinYang AI is a pocket relationship expert app trained by real therapists and couples. It provides instant analysis on relationship concerns and arguments, offering personalized guidance and support for individuals and couples. The app aims to help users navigate the complexities of their relationship journey with the help of AI technology.

How to use Remove this product please?

Simply toggle between personal concern mode and couples disagreement mode using the onetap widget. Record your concerns or disagreements and receive tailored guidance from the AI therapist. Engage in text-based conversations to explore thoughts and emotions. Revisit recordings to identify patterns and growth opportunities. Access personalized advice and support anytime, anywhere.

Core features of Remove this product please:


Instant analysis on relationship concerns


Record and analyze disagreements with partner


Text-based conversations with AI therapist


Personalized insights and actionable advice


24/7 access to personalized advice and support

Why could be used Remove this product please?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Individuals grappling with relationship doubts
# 2Couples caught in arguments and misunderstandings
# 3Anyone serious about personal growth and relationship wellbeing

Pricing of Remove this product please:


Who developed Remove this product please?

Qiangyu Zeng is the developer behind YinYang AI, dedicated to providing a transformative tool for relationship growth and personal development.

FAQ of Remove this product please