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ReminderCal 4

View Apple Reminders natively in Apple Calendar

Listed in categories:

MacTask ManagementiOS


ReminderCal allows users to seamlessly view their Apple Reminders in the Apple Calendar app, enhancing productivity and organization. It offers effortless integration between the Reminders and Calendar apps, with automatic syncing in the background. Users can control syncing manually using Shortcuts, Siri, or interactive widgets. The app ensures privacy by syncing offline on the device without using cloud servers.

How to use ReminderCal 4?

To use ReminderCal, simply download the app from the App Store and follow the on-screen instructions to set up syncing between your Apple Reminders and Calendar. You can customize syncing preferences and privacy settings within the app.

Core features of ReminderCal 4:


Seamless integration between Apple Reminders and Calendar


Automatic syncing in the background


Manual control of syncing using Shortcuts, Siri, or widgets


Privacy-focused syncing offline on the device


Ability to hide reminders from Calendar by adding specific tags

Why could be used ReminderCal 4?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Viewing Apple Reminders in the Apple Calendar app
# 2Enhancing productivity and organization
# 3Controlling syncing and privacy settings

Pricing of ReminderCal 4:

Standard Plan


One-time purchase for full access to all features

Who developed ReminderCal 4?

Bilaal Rashid is the developer behind ReminderCal, dedicated to providing users with a seamless experience of viewing Apple Reminders in the Calendar app. With a focus on privacy and productivity, Bilaal continues to enhance the app's features and functionality.

FAQ of ReminderCal 4