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Compete against friends in mental math in real-time

Listed in categories:



Relay is a mental math game that challenges and improves your cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving. It offers multiplayer competitions, stat tracking, and a fun way to enhance your math skills.

How to use Relay?

To use Relay, simply sign up and start playing mental math games. Invite your friends to join competitions, track your stats, and enjoy improving your math skills.

Core features of Relay:


Multiplayer Competition


Track and Share Stats


Fun and Parent Tiers

Why could be used Relay?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving Mental Math
# 2Competing with Friends
# 3Tracking Progress

Pricing of Relay:

Fun Tier

$0 Per Month

Play with up to six friends, track and share stats, rise in the ranks of the leaderboard

Parent Tier

$3 Per Month

Advanced Metrics, Replay Incorrect Answers for reinforced learning, No Ads

Who developed Relay?

Relay is developed by a team of passionate individuals dedicated to creating engaging and educational games for mental math enthusiasts.

FAQ of Relay