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A website template for the modern web

Listed in categories:

Open SourceDeveloper ToolsWebsite Builder


Refo is a website template for the modern web that offers a refreshingly simple and customizable approach to static site generation. It allows developers to leverage the power of Node.js modules directly, providing unmatched flexibility and ease of use.

How to use Refo?

To use Refo, follow these steps: 1. Install and download the repository. 2. Install dependencies using 'pnpm install'. 3. Start the server in development mode with 'pnpm dev'. 4. Visit http://localhost to access the website. 5. Generate a static site with 'pnpm static'. 6. Open the index.html within the static folder to access the website.

Core features of Refo:


Hot Module Reloading using dynohot


JavaScript eXtensible markup language using JSX and babel-preset-solid


Node.js module customization


Importing SVGs as components


Raw imports

Why could be used Refo?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Crafting resumes and portfolios
# 2Creating data-driven websites
# 3Customizing website layouts

Who developed Refo?

Refo is created by Erik Engi, a developer who aims to provide a powerful developer experience with lightweight output for static site generation.

FAQ of Refo