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Read & Rate

We help self-published authors get book reviews and more.

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Read Rate is a platform that helps authors get verified Amazon book reviews in a legal and cost-effective way. Authors can earn and spend InkDrops to receive reviews from a supportive author community. The platform also offers opportunities to connect with fellow authors and improve book rankings through genuine reviews.

How to use Read & Rate?

To use Read Rate, authors can easily upload their book cover and description to earn InkDrops. They can also upload their book file to receive non-verified purchase reviews. Authors can review other books to earn more InkDrops and improve their book rankings. Having the book free or priced below $4.99 is recommended to enhance book visibility and receive more reviews.

Core features of Read & Rate:


Get verified Amazon book reviews


Earn and spend InkDrops for reviews


Connect with fellow authors


Improve book rankings


Upload book info and review other books

Why could be used Read & Rate?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Struggling authors looking for impactful reviews
# 2Authors seeking to build credibility and trust with their audience
# 3Authors aiming to boost book rankings

Pricing of Read & Rate:



Start with 3000 InkDrops, 10 days free trial, maximum 1 book upload, and 1 review per day



Start with 3000 InkDrops, 10 days free trial, unlimited book uploads, unlimited reviews, and more features



Start with 5000 InkDrops, 10 days free trial, all Essential Plan features, save 85% by paying yearly, access to a private community

Who developed Read & Rate?

Read Rate is developed by a team of book enthusiasts who aim to support authors in their writing journey and help them succeed in the competitive book market.

FAQ of Read & Rate