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Temporary email addresses

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Raccoon is a browser tool that generates temporary email addresses, allowing you to sign up for websites and services without revealing your real email address. It protects you from spam, phishing, and unwanted marketing emails.

How to use Raccoon?

To use Raccoon, simply add the extension to your Chrome browser. Once installed, you can generate temporary email addresses easily and use them to sign up for various services and websites without disclosing your actual email address.

Core features of Raccoon:


Generate temporary email addresses


Protect from spam and phishing emails


Sign up for websites without revealing real email address

Why could be used Raccoon?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Signing up for websites
# 2Avoiding spam emails
# 3Protecting privacy online

Who developed Raccoon?

Raccoon was designed and developed by Rafael Munoz. You can find more information about the maker on their GitHub repository:

FAQ of Raccoon