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Quiz Solver AI

QuizSolver is your AI-powered study companion that helps you solve quizzes and homework effortlessly. Get accurate answers quickly and enhance your academic performance with our smart and privacy-centric technology.

Listed in categories:

EducationArtificial IntelligenceChrome Extensions
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Quiz Solver is an AI-powered study companion that helps users solve quizzes and homework assignments quickly and accurately. It offers smart, privacy-centric, and universally compatible AI technology to enhance academic performance.

How to use Quiz Solver AI?

To start using Quiz Solver, follow these three simple steps: 1. Download Quiz Solver from the Chrome Web Store. 2. Launch the extension and open any quiz or assignment from a supported website or LMS. 3. Engage Quiz Solver to get accurate answers to your quizzes in seconds.

Core features of Quiz Solver AI:


Instant detection of quiz questions


Privacy-first solution for safeguarding identity


Universal compatibility with any quiz platform

Why could be used Quiz Solver AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Study smarter and faster
# 2Access precise quiz solutions powered by AI
# 3Enhance learning journey across different quiz platforms

Pricing of Quiz Solver AI:



Basic level knowledge and intelligence assistance with 10 free answers per month


$4.90 monthly

Enhanced knowledge and intelligence assistance with 120 answers per month, email support, and regular updates


$8.99 monthly

Enhanced knowledge and intelligence assistance with 800 answers per month, email support, regular bonus surprises, and access to new features before free plan users


$19.90 monthly

Advanced knowledge and top-tier intelligence solutions with unlimited answers, instant priority support, exclusive bonus surprises, and early access to all new features and updates

Who developed Quiz Solver AI?

Quiz Solver is developed by QuizSolver, a team dedicated to providing innovative AI solutions for academic success and learning efficiency.

FAQ of Quiz Solver AI