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QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details

🔔 Earthquakes in your neighborhood and around the world

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QuakeInfo is a mobile app designed to keep users informed about earthquakes in their neighborhood and around the world. It provides real-time earthquake information from the US Geological Survey, a world map with recent earthquakes, and detailed earthquake screens for each event. The app has a clean and modern design, making it easy to use and packed with features.

How to use QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details?

Download QuakeInfo from the App Store, open the app, and explore real-time earthquake information, world map with recent earthquakes, and detailed earthquake screens. Consider upgrading to QuakeInfo Premium for additional features like location-based earthquake alerts and longer timeframes for seismic activity.

Core features of QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details:


Real-time earthquake information


World map with recent earthquakes


Detailed earthquake screens


Access to USGS webpage for each earthquake


Notifications for significant earthquakes

Why could be used QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Staying informed about earthquakes in your vicinity
# 2Monitoring seismic activity worldwide
# 3Accessing detailed information about recent earthquakes

Pricing of QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details:

QuakeInfo Premium Monthly


Unlock additional features like access to location-based earthquakes, notifications for significant earthquakes, and longer timeframes for seismic activity.

QuakeInfo Premium Annual


Same features as the monthly plan but with an annual subscription for cost savings.

Who developed QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details?

QuakeInfo is developed by Atomic Powered, a company dedicated to providing informative and user-friendly apps for staying informed about natural events like earthquakes.

FAQ of QuakeInfo™: Earthquake alerts & details