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Qquest (Beta)

An AI tool to help users query data and files with text.

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Qquest is a Chrome Plugin that provides instant product insights using AI technology. It allows users to ask quick questions and receive immediate answers, facilitating workflow and decision-making.

How to use Qquest (Beta)?

To use Qquest, simply install the Chrome Plugin and connect it to your database. You can then ask any product-related questions and receive precise answers instantly.

Core features of Qquest (Beta):


Instant Product Insights


Quick Question Answering


Data Integration


Database Connectivity


Generative AI

Why could be used Qquest (Beta)?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Briefing Planning
# 2Presentation Enhancement
# 3Data Analysis

Who developed Qquest (Beta)?

Qquestio is the maker of Qquest, a company dedicated to providing innovative solutions for data analysis and decision-making processes.

FAQ of Qquest (Beta)