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Pull 2 Gmail

Pull microsoft 365 email into gmail

Listed in categories:

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Pull 2 Gmail is a Gmail Addon that can pull data from an external cloud email server using OAuth authentication and insert the received emails into a chosen label in your Gmail inbox. It supports services like Office 365 and Google Gmail.

How to use Pull 2 Gmail?

To use Pull 2 Gmail, install the Gmail Addon and authenticate with OAuth to connect to your external cloud email server. Choose the label in your Gmail inbox where you want the received emails to be inserted.

Core features of Pull 2 Gmail:


Pull data from external cloud email server


OAuth authentication


Insert emails into chosen label


Support for Office 365 and Google Gmail


Modern authentication methods

Why could be used Pull 2 Gmail?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Integrating external email data into Gmail
# 2Enhancing email organization in Gmail
# 3Improving email security through OAuth authentication

Pricing of Pull 2 Gmail:

Free Trial

Try the product for free before purchasing

Who developed Pull 2 Gmail?

Zzapps BV is the developer behind Pull 2 Gmail, providing support and solutions for integrating external email services with Gmail.

FAQ of Pull 2 Gmail