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Publish Buddy

Your own No-code Social Media Automation Tool for Lifetime

Listed in categories:

Social media marketingSocial MediaNo-Code
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Publish Buddy is a Social Media Scheduler and publishing tool that allows users to schedule and publish posts on various social media channels. It supports publishing and scheduling to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Slack, Discord, Discourse, and Telegram.

How to use Publish Buddy?

To use Publish Buddy, download the tool and follow the instructions provided in the downloadable PDF. You can schedule and publish posts on supported social media channels, choose post types, and integrate with Shortio URL shortener service.

Core features of Publish Buddy:


Publishing posts


Scheduling posts


Integration with Shortio URL shortener


Selecting Social Media channels for each post


Support for different types of posts (text, link, image, video)

Why could be used Publish Buddy?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Managing social media presence for startups
# 2Automating social media posting for solopreneurs
# 3Learning nocode stack with Make and Airtable

Pricing of Publish Buddy:



Channels supported: LinkedIn Company Page, Twitter, Facebook Page, Instagram Business. Post types: Image post, Text post.



Everything in Basic plus Publish to LinkedIn Personal, Video Post, Access to Future upgrades.



Everything in Premium plus configuring and setup assistance, priority support on Whatsapp.

Who developed Publish Buddy?

Publish Buddy is created by Nishith Gupta, who developed the tool to address the limitations of existing social media management tools and provide a cost-effective solution for startups and solopreneurs.

FAQ of Publish Buddy