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Protected App by Logto

Logto is an open-source Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products, providing authentication and authorization solutions for developers. It offers a range of features such as passwordless authentication, multi-factor authentication, enterprise SSO, user and organization management, and more. Logto is easy to integrate, has a powerful management API, and supports various frameworks and platforms.

Listed in categories:

SaaSDeveloper ToolsNo-Code
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Logto is an open-source Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products. It provides authentication and authorization solutions for developers and businesses, offering features like Passwordless, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Social Sign-in, and more.

How to use Protected App by Logto?

Logto can be integrated into various frameworks and platforms as the foundational layer for development. It offers a powerful management API and detailed documentation for easy implementation.

Core features of Protected App by Logto:


Consumer Authentication


Business Authentication


User and Organization Management


Powerful Management API

Why could be used Protected App by Logto?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Make customer signups and retention easier for consumer apps
# 2Accelerate SaaS development with key B2C features
# 3Manage user profiles and authorization for organizations

Pricing of Protected App by Logto:

Free Access

Free access to all features in development tenants

Base Price

Reasonable pricing with base price and pay-as-you-go option

Who developed Protected App by Logto?

Ufuk Arslan, Co-Founder of Mobilist

FAQ of Protected App by Logto