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A project management tool for designers

Listed in categories:

ProductivityDesign ToolsSaaS


Projexl is a project management tool designed specifically for designers, whether they are freelancers or in-house designers. It helps streamline project workflows, track progress, and collaborate effectively with team members and clients.

How to use Projexl?

To use Projexl, sign up for an account, create a project, add tasks, assign them to team members, track time spent on tasks, share files, and communicate with clients. Use the collaboration tools to streamline your design projects effectively.

Core features of Projexl:


Task Management


Collaboration Tools


Time Tracking


File Sharing


Client Communication

Why could be used Projexl?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Managing Design Projects
# 2Collaborating with Team Members
# 3Tracking Project Progress

Pricing of Projexl:

Free Plan


Basic features for individual designers

Pro Plan


Advanced features for teams and agencies

Who developed Projexl?

Projexl is developed by a team of experienced designers and project managers who understand the needs of creative professionals in managing their projects efficiently.

FAQ of Projexl